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What is PTA? Chinese | Farsi | Hindi | Korean | Punjabi | Tagalog | Vietnamese 


Our PTSA is made up of hard-working parents, teachers, and students who pool their talents to provide support for our school with the goal of creating connections, supporting children, and amplifying your voice.


Creating Connections - We do this by hosting and sponsoring several events throughout the year that bring people together with a common interest.  Join us at New to NHS Night, volunteer at our Student Store or on the hospitality team, participate in an evening of school spirit at Homecoming, and more!


Supporting Children - Each year we make sure that our students continue to have art in their lives by giving them an opportunity to showcase their artistic talents with our Reflections Art program. Don't forget about NHS's unique State of the Student program that gives students a chance to reflect and think about how they are handling their social, emotional needs and stress.


Amplifying Your Voice - Behind the scenes, our NHS PTSA participates in a number of local, state, and sometimes national forums covering issues that matter most to parents and students. We share our own stories and perspectives with local school administration, county representatives and state legislators, so it's important that we hear from you during our PTSA meetings. We maintain good relationships with our very own board of education and help them make decisions that impact IUSD.


We encourage everyone to attend our monthly general association meetings to hear updates from our Principal and our ASB Student Representative. In addition, we have presentations from teachers, counselors, IUSD Board of Education representatives and other community partners. Our website will always contain all official PTSA news and announcements so be sure to visit often!  We also send out weekly email newsletters and post on our Instagram so subscribe and follow us, respectively.


If you support our work, please consider joining PTSA and becoming a member today!



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