Disaster Preparedness
For year 2021-22, items purchased with a $1,305 budget were:
25 Storage Containers (Pod Emergency Supplies)
12 Portable Toilets
12 Pop Up Privacy Tents
1 60-Roll Pack of Bath Tissue
8 Wind-Up Flashlights
Each year requires volunteers to help take physical inventory of items, document current needs, and procure supplies within budget. If you are interested in helping, please sign in and sign up to volunteer.
Emergency Preparedness: Know Your Zone |
Have you identified your zone in case of an emergency?
Residents are encouraged to review the map and become familiar with their zone now, before an emergency. For more information regarding emergency management, visit cityofirvine.org/em.
Subscribe to OC ALERT Before the Next Emergency!
AlertOC is a mass notification system designed to keep Orange County, California residents and businesses informed of emergencies that may require immediate life saving actions.
By registering with AlertOC, time-sensitive voice messages from the County or City in which you live or work may be sent to your home, cell, or business phone. Test messages may also be sent to cell phones.
AlertOC can send out messages to email accounts and TTY devices as well. AlertOC is operated by the County of Orange in collaboration with local cities.
Important Note! Remember, in case of emergencies, the school is not equipped to answer phone calls. Staff is trained in emergency situations and your calls will prevent them from doing what they need to do at school to take care of immediate student needs and actions.
When Landlines, Cellular, and Internet Fail...
Ham Radios will be your last resort for communications. Visit the City of Irvine's Ham Radio page for more info.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8
- Wednesday, April 9
- Thursday, April 10